I previously did not believe in god. However, I found a manual online for selling your soul to Satan. I went through with it, not even believing in it. There has been a big supernatural presence in my life recently. I often times see animals with red eyes at night, and often times when I go for walks out side the weather suddenly changes for the better.
Deicide was one of the best death metal bands which was ideal for Satanic listeners who liked that kind of music. Unfortunately their musical quality dwindled sharply at the turn of the century.
Jesus Christ and his followers have been stalking me, unfortunately. It really shows which side of spirituality is evil! I am a man who supposedly has free will, yet jesus fucking christ has the nerve to stalk me like the jealous little man that he is.
He has yet to come to Earth in physical form, but if I'm around and I know which woman is carrying his child, I personally will find her and treat her womb like meat at a slaughterhouse. I'm in my mid 70s so its not likely but I want to be a part of bringing down Jesus Christ and his lousy followers. She can rot in the same grave as Sharon Tate.
Because of the fact that I now believe in the pathetic Judeo-Christian "God" as well as Satan (MY God and his followers are certainly growing), I've started to believe that everything happens for a reason. Not that people necessarily get what they deserve, but there is most likely a reason for everything. I have the rest of my life to explore this dark form of spirituality which I've adopted.
Two former female models who got sex changes. Thomas Beatie is known as the man who got pregnant. There is also porn star star Buck Angel who was also born female. Both of these 'men' were born female but took hormones to look like men. Despite my own interesting (yet horrifying) existence, even I think that this is bizarre. It almost makes my lifestyle look normal.
Who is the next model to get this done? If it was Heidi Klum she would become what she hates the most... a white man! Then Seal would have to decide whether its worth staying married to her.
In speaking of sex changes, how about a species change. Do you think Jon Benet Ramsey is dead? Think again. I have a german sheapard / pitbull mix who used to be Jon Benet Ramsey.
That was then, this is now
So, how about those before and after photos of these lovely broads who became studs?
Tracy Beatie
Thomas Beatie
Thomas Beatie is kind of soft looking, so hormone therapy obviously isn't perfect.
Buck Angel: Before and After
Buck Angel's transition was more remarkable than Thomas. I've heard he can bench press around 400pounds. Now, how about a book that illustrates tranny portraits if that's what you're into:
Right now I'm building an electric chair which any infant will fit right into. Since I hate babies so much I'll be taking on the role of a 'baby executioner.' I'll post a photo once I'm done.
I look forward to finding loopholes in the legal system which will entitle me to execute babies. Its a good thing I have an international passport so I can possibly go to countries where it is legal. In the USA it might be far too tricky - there's certain things about the law which I need to examine.
This blog is not for sensitive people. I did not break any laws.
It truly pays to do things you normally wouldn't. Today I decided to take a walk through a rough neighborhood. Interestingly, I found a dead baby sitting right in front of someone's house. I checked it's pulse, no sign of life. (The only good baby is a dead one, they suck) I'm glad that it was still fresh. I decided to take it home with me and figure out what to do with it.
On my way back I noticed something near a trash can, moving. I walked up to it and it looked like insect warfare. A group of cockroaches were gang raping a praying mantis for stepping on their turf. It was one of the most beautiful sights I've witnessed in a long time.
Those of you who have read my blogs before know that I am a cannibal. I decided I was going to stick it in the blender and make a tasty malt. I made sure to stick in in feet first so I could see the expression on its face. It screamed louder than 5 babies on an airplane at once. I threw in some ice and it was the best malt I've ever tasted.
I'm still sad about the recent death of my youngest son, Dobbler. Here in the colorblind paradise of Seattle, he was murdered for being inter-species. I wish my wife Lisa could understand, but she just ate her dog food as she normally would that night. I'm still looking for the man who did it, the police would not release his name to me.
There is scientific evidence that people score higher on IQ tests around the world than they did a generation ago. This mysterious rise in IQ is known as the Flynn effect, and there are theories about why this is but no certainties. Some of the possibilities of this include improved nutrition, a trend towards smaller families, better education, and greater environmental complexity. Although IQ tests can measure problem solving abilities and mental quickness in different ways, it does not measure creativity, social skills, or rational thinking. George W Bush scored 125 on an IQ test which is high, but he did not possess any good rational decision making skills. In many of the pictures and videos you see of this former president, he doesn't look like he's all there. He often times looks stupid, bored, and unfocused.
But is it necessarily better to be smarter? I personally don't think so. Adolf Hitler was a highly intelligent man, and look at the atrocities he created. 'Intelligence' is a trait that is highly regarded by society and it seems like the more of it you have, the better off you are. Just because you are smart does not mean that you have strong morals, a good sense of family and community, and it doesn't mean that its likely that you are a happy person. I have done volunteer work for the Special Olympics and I can tell that many handicapped people are content. I have also worked with people from Mensa and many of those people had big ego's who derived pleasure from impressing people, but they were not content.
If you ask me, this world could be a very dangerous place if people become too intelligent. That is why I'm in my second marriage to a dog. I have 16 hybrid children who all have IQ's between 55 - 72. They are happy people who have purpose in life. They are not competitive unlike many intellectuals and professional athletes, because they will never be in their ranks. Competitive people are often times less happy than non-competitive people because their expectations are let down too much- that is, their self esteem is dependent on winning.
Do you remember back in the good old days when life was simpler? When you didn't feel the urge to bring your cell phone with you all of the time, when there was no internet, you were easily entertained, most people you knew went to church. I've got a case of nostalgia and even though I won't live to see humanity go backwards intellectually, the best I can do is my part. I have an above average IQ and I hope that intelligence starts to go down in future generations. Have you heard the statement 'ignorance is bliss'? There is a lot of truth to this. Children are the happiest of all people because they don't have a care in the world. The complexity of our world is what makes a lot of us unhappy. All 8 of my grown up human-pup children were in Special Education, and all 8 of my human-pup children in my second marriage are also in Special Ed. I am proud of this because I don't think its necessary to raise a smart child. It makes life easier as a parent because I can be assured that my kids won't get into a situation that is too challenging for me to handle. I am 75 years old and I have 8 children who are under 12 years of age! From my perspective, children should be more about quantity than quality.
If you marry a non-human mammal like a dog, you will benefit from that as a parent because you can be sure that your kids will not pull anything too tricky on you. Sometimes my kids go through the garbage cans and toilets, or they might scratch some of my favorite CD's or ruin some clothing before they reach puberty. But that is basically it! Ever since the late 1970's, I've been a parent and pet owner simultaneously, and I get the best of both worlds with my wife and children. If you do marry a dog, cat, or whatever animal you find most attractive, your kids will probably be happier individuals because they won't get wrapped up in this complex world where everybody is competing with each other.
You have probably heard the statement "ignorance is bliss." There is a lot of truth to this statement. I posted a link for you to view the happiest states in the USA to further validate my hypothesis. This link was taken from WebMD.com, which is a relevant source. You will see that the happiest states are mostly in the Southeast. This region of the USA is known for lacking education, inbreeding, etc.
Society, its time to take a few steps backwards! I am grateful for my above average intelligence, because it has helped me come to realizations like this. I consider myself the smart messiah for less intelligent beings. Peace to you all.
My father had the right idea when he donated $50,000 to the Special Olympics every year. It always filled my heart with joy to see disadvantaged people enjoy life. Although we did not have any handicapped people in our family when I was growing up, my father naturally had a soft spot for disabled people and this is where I learned the concept of compassion.
In contrast, my dad had a dark side. He also helped fund the KKK and other racist organizations. Because my dad was a very racist man which he probably took with him to his grave, I used to be very racist myself. It wasn't until I was halfway through my first marriage (to a dog) that I started to become enlightened.
Whenever I would see someone of another race come into my neighborhood when I was young man, I would make a threatening gesture such as waving a baseball bat or a stick. I firmly believes that I was doing the right thing. I used to think that people of other races were not as valuable as caucasian people.
In 1975 I married a beautiful pit bull. I didn't stop to think that I would get a lot of flack for it because Lucie was not even human. Our inter-species family experienced a lot of bigotry from fearful residents. Old words like "miscegination" were used to try and make me feel like my wife and children were not worth it. So many of my former neighbors moved out at the time because they could not stand us just because we were so different. Rocks were thrown into our windows, and there was even a time when the KKK came on our street in a Tank! The national guard had to come and straighten things out. I never thought I would experience the same amount of bigotry that an African-American in Mississippi would go through. It was very ironic and I'm sure it was bad Karma. I might have been paying for my dad's racism since he always lived the good life.
The neighbors who did not move out started using hard drugs or otherwise went insane. The property values had taken a steep fall all because of my family. The neighborhood in Michigan which we lived in at the time had become very rampant with crime, even though the houses were pretty nice. We minded our own business, we were very introverted. My wife would only bark if people or dogs tried coming into our yard. She once clawed a bigots face apart because he tried to attack us one time and it gave him permanent scars and brain damage from a loss of blood. I am so proud of Lucie for brutally defending our family like that and even though I'm in my second marriage now to a Doberman named Sarah, I still miss her dearly.
Unfortunately some of my former racism probably rubbed off onto Lucie. Back in 1980 an interracial couple walked by our house. Lucie was the first one to notice as I was reading a newspaper on the drive way. She started barking loudly, and when I saw I started to bark also. Our hybrid children were in the house at the time, thankfully. The couple continued to walk and did not say anything to me or Lucie, they probably figured we were crazy. They were minding their own business. This was the start of the end of my racism. I realized that I fell in love with a dog and married her because I loved her and it didn't matter what anyone else thought. I also realized that people are people, and color is not relevant. In my profession I noticed people of all races, creeds, ethnic background, and religions had the same struggles. I had always felt some of their pain, regardless of their background and I did not realize this until after the interracial couple walked by. It hit me all of a sudden, that bigotry is not the way.
I obviously think that species does not matter as long as it is a mammal. Most people think I take this diversity stuff way too far since I'm in my second marriage to a dog.
Dustin Diamond ("Screech") from saved by the bell said some racist comments a few years ago. To my knowledge, he has yet to make a full apology to the people he offended.
I am proud of Michael Richards for giving a sincere apology for his racist rant. At first he went on David Letterman to apologize, which wasn't good enough. He apologized like a man eventually as you will see in the video below.
The point of this post is not to sound sexual or nasty. Donating organs is a fact of life which people do from time to time.
My nephew Tom always used to brag about what a big endowment he had. He was able to sexually please all of his partners. I was shocked that he decided to have his male organ amputated to help some random Haitian family that he did not know. Tom always used to make fun of guys with small ones, so I was totally shocked that he did this. I wonder if karma has something to do with it.
I thought it was absurd at first, but as it sank in I realized that good deeds are necessary for this world to function. I am 75 years old and I think my packaging would be under appreciated.
As it turns out, the donation of my nephew Tom's penis was given to a large Haitian family who decided to feed it to their dog since he hadn't eaten in a while. As Tom read the Thank You note, his heart was filled with joy as he knew that he did something to help others.
If you do not have a penis, I recommend you find a way to donate one anyways. Those poor Haitians need all the help they can get.
Dogs are cool, cats are even better, roaches rock the world, but maggots are my favorite creature in the world!! They make me drool with love, lust, and I regard them as the bread of life.
For quite some time I was ashamed that I let this jerk beat my son Dobbler up at the grocery store just for pissing on his stupid leather jacket (Dobbler went to the hospital and died of complications as you can read about at the post below this.)
I have gotten into bodybuilding recently. I was able to work out all that anger. The photo above is me proudly flexing my muscles. I'll find that guy and crush him harder than Satan knows what! In addition I've been studying martial arts and different techniques with knifes. In this post-Obama world in one of the USA's most racially tolerant capitals, my son gets beaten to death by some brute because he's bi-species. Animal lovers - fight the system! This guy was not even charged with any crime, he totally got off. The doctors delivering me the news that my son died were so snide about it... I wonder if they contributed to his death. I know who he is, and he'll be eaten alive...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I've got to admit that I am offended by the general lack of respect for me. I'm a struggling 75 year old doctor who lives in a dilapidated house with my inter-species family. The neighborhood was nice until we moved in, then the property values went down - bringing in drugs, crime, and mental illness. All because people are so prejudiced that they can't handle a man who marries his dog. My kids are lovely, yet I have to have bags over their heads when we're in public.
The other day when I was at the grocery store, my youngest son Dobbler went potty on some jerk's leather jacket by mistake. He doesn't know any better, he is only three years old (and half doberman!) This man totally lost his temper and ripped the bag off of poor Dobbler's head. This ruthless psycho beat him to the point where my beautiful, whimpering, innocent son was sent to the ER. He died that night of complications, and the police did not even press charges.
I cried right in the middle of the grocery store and nobody even offered any me sympathy. All I ask is that you be open to the right to die, as well as inter-species couples. What this world needs is more harmony at different levels. What happened to my son Dobbler was a tragedy, yet it was not considered a hate crime in the least.
If you have not read any of my other blogs, I recommend that you do so before reading this one. I get right to the heart of the matter and you'd be best to read something like my biography which is a hub before reading this.10-11-2012 update At the time I was new to blogging and I didn't understand that blogs are meant to have numerous posts. I used to treat each 'blog' as a stand alone article but not anymore.
(end of update, continue reading content from 2010 below).
I've always enjoyed assisting people with their suicide. It involves bringing them a capsule for them to swallow. The poison goes to their heart and it kills them instantly. I witness their pain and suffering end right before my eyes and it has always brought a smile to my face.
One of the benefits of my profession is that I am permitted to bring their bodies to my residence and do with the corpse whatever I wish. I have made furniture out of the corpses. Most of the time I prepare the bodies for food and me and my hybrid family have a delicious meal. (Remember, my wife is a Doberman and we have 8 children human-pups living with us. I also have 8 grown up children I had with a Pitbull from a previous marriage.) I don't do a lot of grocery shopping because we have a garden in our basement, and I also raise insects for eating such as crickets and cockroaches. From time to time I also raise rodents like squirrels and mice so that we can all eat. Isn't that so economical? I should write a book on budgeting your money.
I've been practicing out of Seattle for the past 15 years or so. That city has one of the highest suicide rates, and that is why I practice there. The consistently gloomy weather probably makes people more depressed and more prone to suicide. I have some tactics to guide depressed patients away from their medications and I try to get them to agree to commit suicide. I get a fair sum of money for every patient of mine who asks me to take their life, and lets not forget the free meat. Human meat is delicious and I think the traditional methods of burial and cremation are a shame. The general attitude at the end of every funeral should be "It's chow time!" I don't find anything insulting about it. In fact I have a will that permits my family to eat me when I die. Since I'm 75 and scrawny, I don't know if I'd taste that good if I died now.
In contrast to all of the good that I just mentioned, me and my family are going through a crisis. My industry is hurting right now, people can't afford to pay me to assist them with suicide like they used to. I'm running low on liquid cash. All of my bi-species children are between the ages of 3 and 13, and all of them wear diapers. There is nothing wrong with that, but I've had to have them walk around in their stinky diapers just to try and save a buck. They all take a bullet proof short bus to school every day, something which I paid for. I don't want anyone committing hate crimes against us just because we're different.
My neighborhood was quite nice when I first moved in, but now its a slum. Some people moved out when my peculiar family moved in. Others started using drugs or otherwise went insane. This drove the property values way down, and now its tweekers, crackheads, and gangsters moving into these nice houses. For some strange reason one of the homes was converted into a trailer park - I'm not sure why this was done, it makes no sense to tear down a nice home and put up a few trailers.
I still feel energetic at age 75. I want to keep practicing medicine, not just because I have to for the income. If you know of anyone who is depressed or terminally ill in the Pacific Northwest, I'd like to hear about it. In the past it would have been very unnecessary to go very far outside of the Puget Sound area, but now I'm willing to travel throughout the entire Northwest for a gig.
I'm concerned about my children's safety at times. I want them all to grow up as happy individuals just like my other 8 children did. Some of them are athletic, and hopefully they will be in the Special Olympics someday. It would bring me so much tears and joy to see one of my kids become Mr or Mrs Special Olympia. I have a kid who is great at jumping through the hoola hoop. I'd like you loyal readers to help me get out of this crisis so that me and my lovely family has enough food and money to keep on living. I don't want any of us to end up like homeless losers.