Are we humans getting to be too smart?
There is scientific evidence that people score higher on IQ tests around the world than they did a generation ago. This mysterious rise in IQ is known as the Flynn effect, and there are theories about why this is but no certainties. Some of the possibilities of this include improved nutrition, a trend towards smaller families, better education, and greater environmental complexity. Although IQ tests can measure problem solving abilities and mental quickness in different ways, it does not measure creativity, social skills, or rational thinking. George W Bush scored 125 on an IQ test which is high, but he did not possess any good rational decision making skills. In many of the pictures and videos you see of this former president, he doesn't look like he's all there. He often times looks stupid, bored, and unfocused.
But is it necessarily better to be smarter? I personally don't think so. Adolf Hitler was a highly intelligent man, and look at the atrocities he created. 'Intelligence' is a trait that is highly regarded by society and it seems like the more of it you have, the better off you are. Just because you are smart does not mean that you have strong morals, a good sense of family and community, and it doesn't mean that its likely that you are a happy person. I have done volunteer work for the Special Olympics and I can tell that many handicapped people are content. I have also worked with people from Mensa and many of those people had big ego's who derived pleasure from impressing people, but they were not content.
If you ask me, this world could be a very dangerous place if people become too intelligent. That is why I'm in my second marriage to a dog. I have 16 hybrid children who all have IQ's between 55 - 72. They are happy people who have purpose in life. They are not competitive unlike many intellectuals and professional athletes, because they will never be in their ranks. Competitive people are often times less happy than non-competitive people because their expectations are let down too much- that is, their self esteem is dependent on winning.
Do you remember back in the good old days when life was simpler? When you didn't feel the urge to bring your cell phone with you all of the time, when there was no internet, you were easily entertained, most people you knew went to church. I've got a case of nostalgia and even though I won't live to see humanity go backwards intellectually, the best I can do is my part. I have an above average IQ and I hope that intelligence starts to go down in future generations. Have you heard the statement 'ignorance is bliss'? There is a lot of truth to this. Children are the happiest of all people because they don't have a care in the world. The complexity of our world is what makes a lot of us unhappy. All 8 of my grown up human-pup children were in Special Education, and all 8 of my human-pup children in my second marriage are also in Special Ed. I am proud of this because I don't think its necessary to raise a smart child. It makes life easier as a parent because I can be assured that my kids won't get into a situation that is too challenging for me to handle. I am 75 years old and I have 8 children who are under 12 years of age! From my perspective, children should be more about quantity than quality.
If you marry a non-human mammal like a dog, you will benefit from that as a parent because you can be sure that your kids will not pull anything too tricky on you. Sometimes my kids go through the garbage cans and toilets, or they might scratch some of my favorite CD's or ruin some clothing before they reach puberty. But that is basically it! Ever since the late 1970's, I've been a parent and pet owner simultaneously, and I get the best of both worlds with my wife and children. If you do marry a dog, cat, or whatever animal you find most attractive, your kids will probably be happier individuals because they won't get wrapped up in this complex world where everybody is competing with each other.
You have probably heard the statement "ignorance is bliss." There is a lot of truth to this statement. I posted a link for you to view the happiest states in the USA to further validate my hypothesis. This link was taken from, which is a relevant source. You will see that the happiest states are mostly in the Southeast. This region of the USA is known for lacking education, inbreeding, etc.
Society, its time to take a few steps backwards! I am grateful for my above average intelligence, because it has helped me come to realizations like this. I consider myself the smart messiah for less intelligent beings. Peace to you all.