Look at that armadillos feet. It has sores. Its got infections which lead to nerve damage. This armadillo has leprosy. Not only that, it is transferable to human beings.
I know they're a cute looking creature but don't fondle them.
So far, humans getting leprosy from armadillos is limited to southeastern and south central states. So if you're ever touring the good old south... don't shake hands with a hillbilly, he really might have some bad cudies like leprosy. And if you are a southerner.... let this blog post be a wake up call. In the future these creatures may migrate to other regions, so let this be a warning for you.
I must now get my lubriderm out and fantasize about playboy models getting leprosy because that would be so kinky. If I was on my death bed, I'd fuck a former playmate turned leper. I'm not religious but if there was a God, there would be hundreds of leper playmates behind the pearly gates...
Hugh Hefner should spread that disease around his mansion and threaten to make them homeless if they even think about seeking treatment...