I get tired of me and my family struggling and not always having a place to sleep at night. In some of the roach ridden, flea bag motels we don't even complain when bugs crawl into our mouths at night because that's a source of food. We have gotten used to it.
The economy is so bad that people are willing to kill themselves without assistance. This is dangerous, people! You could wind up with brain damage for the rest of your life if you don't know what you're doing. You need a professional like me to help you out. I say this out of compassion too, not just because I want to support my family.
Political Incorrectness for the soul
I had to rant because I don't have many people to complain to. We're down to business now. I get tired of all the censorshit out there. People getting arrested, flogged, banned from the world all because they said something you don't like. My niece had cerebral palsy, and she was into that whole white power scene. People would sometimes bully on here for this reason. Why can't a poor girl wear a David Duke T-shirt without becoming a victim?
Someone, something, made an article giving reviews of some really cool politically incorrect crap. Its good for the soul. I could almost feel myself writing this article as I was reading it. Shannon (my niece) must be rolling around in her grave in peace because of this. God bless her dead body, and her dead soul. (I don't believe in God really, last time I checked.) People with disabilities- Rejoice!
Check it out.
Update This blog has been deleted from Hub Pages because HP staff didn't like it.
I don't care really, I could put it onto here if I felt like it.