Gang stalking is illegal and I want it out of my life. I'm not flattered that famous people treat me this way.
I used to take Clozapine to help control disorganized thinking and behavior and other psychotic symptoms. We've all got problems please don't judge me. I have dabbled in other anti-psychotic medications before but Clozapine is the main one I've taken.
I recently went off of that stuff, and I suddenly see people like Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, and Charles Manson following me around in public.
I even went into a church, a place I never go since I hate god. More celebrities follow me into that place to spy on me, give me glaring looks of disapproval. I've shouted "What the hell do you guys want!?" the priest even asked me if I was OK. I can hardly leave my house without being stalked.
I don't understand why celebrities have time to stalk people, just because I went off of medications or whatever the problem is. The drug companies didn't lose any money all because 1 person went off. I wonder how they handle other people who go off?! I am plenty poor, and these rich bastards who have everything have the nerve to stalk me.
I've been finding some peace in other areas of my life, but this just spooks me out. I am 76 years old now, I hope I'm not developing dementia. Memory doesn't seem to be a problem. I wish that I had enough money to afford a doctor so I could get tested. I am a doctor, and I don't have enough clients to receive much pay. Please be my client, I'm an all purpose doctor. Besides medicine, I'll read you bedtime stories, I'll be a prostitute for you, anything you want babe. Me and my lovely mixed species family get hungry a lot and we end up having to scavenge. We're a classical example of poverty in america.