For quite some time I was ashamed that I let this jerk beat my son Dobbler up at the grocery store just for pissing on his stupid leather jacket (Dobbler went to the hospital and died of complications as you can read about at the post below this.)
I have gotten into bodybuilding recently. I was able to work out all that anger. The photo above is me proudly flexing my muscles. I'll find that guy and crush him harder than Satan knows what! In addition I've been studying martial arts and different techniques with knifes. In this post-Obama world in one of the USA's most racially tolerant capitals, my son gets beaten to death by some brute because he's bi-species. Animal lovers - fight the system! This guy was not even charged with any crime, he totally got off. The doctors delivering me the news that my son died were so snide about it... I wonder if they contributed to his death. I know who he is, and he'll be eaten alive...